Baringin rahastojen arvosanat alentuneet

Eastern Europe ja Russia-rahastot pudotettu Neutral-tasolle prosessissa tapahtuneiden muutosten takia.

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Morningstarin analyytikot ovat pudottaneet Baringin Eastern Europe ja Russia -rahastojen arvosanat tasolta Bronze tasolle Neutral. Syynä on rahastojen sijoitusprosessin muuttuminen; vaikka analyytikkomme näkevät muutoksissa hyvää, prosessin toimivuudesta ja tiimin kyvystä viedä se käytäntöön ei ole todisteita.

Analyytikoiden perustelut:

Baring Eastern Europe
Following the Morningstar Analyst Ratings Meeting on 12th June 2015, we have moved the Baring Eastern Europe fund to a Morningstar Analyst Rating™ of Neutral. The fund previously held a Bronze rating. There have been some changes to the process instigated by the new Head of Equities, Jean-Louis Scandella. The team no longer produce a
country score and at the stock level there are now three main factors considered– Quality, Growth and Upside. In addition, there is a longer-term orientation, and the team has been encouraged to show more conviction in their portfolios. Although the changes to the investment process appear promising, we do not yet have evidence that the strategy can be implemented effectively. We believe a Neutral rating is appropriate at the current time.

Baring Russia
Following the Morningstar Analyst Ratings Meeting on 12th June 2015, we have moved the Baring Russia fund to a Morningstar Analyst Rating™ of Neutral. The fund previously held a Bronze rating. There have been some changes to the process instigated by the new Head of Equities Jean-Louis Scandella. The team no longer produce a country score
and at the stock level there are now three main factors considered – Quality, Growth and Upside. In addition, there is a longer-term orientation, and the team has been encouraged to show more conviction in their portfolios. Although the changes to the investment process appear promising, we do not yet have evidence that the strategy can be implemented effectively. We believe a Neutral rating is appropriate at the current time.

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Artikkelissa mainitut sijoitukset

Sijoituskohteen nimiHintaMuutos (%)Morningstar rating
Barings Eastern Europe A USD Acc48,36 USD-1,11

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