Templetonin kehittyvien maiden rahasto Neutraliin

Mark Mobiuksen aiemmin vetämä rahasto on saanut uudet salkunhoitajat ja sen sijoitusprosessia on vahvistettu.

Germaine Share 07.12.2016
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Morningstarin analyytikot ovat nostaneet Templetonin kehittyvien maiden rahaston arvionsa tasolle Neutral aiemmasta Negative-näkemyksestä.

Neutral merkitsee, että analyytikoilla ei ole voimakasta näkemystä rahaston kyvystä yli- tai alituottaa vertailuindeksinsä tai vertailuryhmänsä yli markkinasyklin. Negative merkitsee, että ennusteena on alituotto.

Vastuuanalyytikkona on Germaine Share, joka työskentelee Hongkongissa.

"We are optimistic about the appointment of strategy leads Chetan Sehgal and Carlos Hardenberg, who have built strong track records on the Templeton Emerging Markets Group’s emerging-markets smallcap and frontier-markets strategies, respectively. As strategy leads, they are mandated to ensure greater consistency among the various vehicles under the Templeton emerging-markets strategy. To that end, they took over the UK-listed Templeton Emerging Markets Investment Trust in late 2015 and have delivered promising returns so far. While Dennis Lim and Tom Wu remain named managers on the fund, we are encouraged by the oversight provided by Sehgal and Hardenberg. The strategy leads have brought about sensible improvements to the investment process, which focuses on stocks that appear cheap relative to their five-year projected earnings potential. This includes increasing the number of portfolio holdings to mitigate concentration risks and introducing portfolio construction guidelines around sector and country allocations. Given a number of enhancements being made to the fund, we believe it deserves a second chance."

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Sijoituskohteen nimiHintaMuutos (%)Morningstar rating
Templeton Emerging Markets A(Ydis)USD46,16 USD0,67Rating

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